The last confirmed (until now) mountain lion resident in the Northeastern United States was killed by a trapper in Somerset County, Maine in 1938.
Mountain lions are thought by the wildlife experts to have a habitat range of 50 to 350 square miles.
DNA tests demonstrate that a mountain lion which was struck and killed by a 2006 Hyundai Tucson SUV around 1:00 a.m. on June 11 on Wilbur Cross Parkway in the area of Exit 55 in Milford, Connecticut came from far away and seems to have set something of a record for mountain lion roaming.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said today that results of genetic tests show that the mountain lion killed in Milford in June made its way to the state from the Black Hills region of South Dakota and is an animal whose movements were actually tracked and recorded as it made its way through Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Genetic tests also show that it is likely that the mountain lion killed when it was hit by a car June 11 on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Milford was the same one that had been seen earlier that month in Greenwich.
Mountain lion seen and filmed in Greenwich circa June 5.

Maggie's Farm
Connecticut lion came from South Dakota…
It’s a remarkable story….
No Man
We set up a deer camp in the Adirondacks Mts. every November. A couple years back one of the men said he saw a big cat.
NY DEC constantly says, no mountain lions in NY. I’m not so sure. Moose are coming back up there, too.
And, Bigfoot! I’ll shoot at him if I see him. But, the aliens will be upset.
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