As liberal politicians and the mainstream media try to use the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut to prove the need for more gun laws, World Net Daily notes that Connecticut already had gun control laws.
The state of Connecticut already has certain gun-control laws in place, at least three of which the shooter broke, as he could have only obtained the weapons through illegal means.
According to news reports, Adam Lanza, 20, shot his mother Nancy Lanza dead at their family home before driving to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, where he gunned down more than two dozen people, 20 of them children, and then killed himself.
The Associated Press reports Lanza brought three guns into the school: a Glock pistol, a Sig Sauer pistol and Bushmaster rifle, which the New York Post further reports was a semi-automatic “assault rifle†chambered for a .223 caliber round, matching casings found at the crime scene.
Lanza, therefore, if you count theft, murder and breaking and entering – since CBS New York now reports it likely Lanza broke into the school through a window to circumvent a locked-door and intercom security system – would have violated a half-dozen laws in his crime, including the following gun-control statutes:
First, Connecticut law requires a person be over 21 to possess a handgun. Lanza was 20.
Second, Connecticut requires a permit to carry a pistol on one’s person, a permit Lanza did not have.
Third, it is unlawful in Connecticut to possess a firearm on public or private elementary or secondary school property, a statute Lanza clearly ignored.
Fourth, with details on the Bushmaster rifle still sketchy, it’s possible Lanza may have violated a Connecticut law banning possession of “assault weapons.â€
Of course, these laws were violated because Lanza did not own any of the firearms in question, but rather stole them, and he clearly had no regard for the law in committing his crime.
The Associated Press reports the weapons were registered to Lanza’s first victim, his own mother, according to a law enforcement official not authorized to discuss information with reporters and spoke on condition of anonymity.

You’re being too logical. The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to DO SOMETHING that will allow the public to think they are safer. It doesn’t have to be effective; it just has to be a visible sign that government is taking action — like taking off your shoes in the airport, or enacting “hate crimes” legislation.
You are leaving out the willful violation of the 22 yr old federal “gun-free” school zone law. He did carry firearms within in 1000 feet of a school. He did carry firearms, without permission of the school officials, into the school. He did discharge firearms on public property within a “gun-free” school zone.
The last permitted to only on-duty police and school security with no exceptions for self defense or defense of others. Even off-duty police are prohibited.
When the left thinks “gun control” after a crime like this what they mean is “confiscation.” What they want is that it will be illegal to own firearms. Period. Except for police. If the right called for no guns at all, even in the hands of police, the left would scream.
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