31 Jan 2013

More Social Pathology


Sanctimonious Animal Rights advocates stage a protest in a Bay Area Supermarket. Lena Dunham’s confreres may not live the most well-balanced and responsible sort of lives, but that certainly never inhibits them from assuming all kinds of baseless authority to tell the rest of us how to live.

3 Feedbacks on "More Social Pathology"


Feelings of self-importance are very common. Most mature people realize them by actually accomplishing something first that might demonstrate why anyone else should pay attention to you. For others without the ability or patience to do so, bizarre acts will certainly get you the attention you crave.

Maggie's Farm

Let the animals go free?…

This clip is via NYM’s More Social Pathology:   I can picture the millions of chickens, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. of the American farms gloriously set free in downtown Oakland, but I suspect they would all quickly end up in…

Dan Kauffman

Carrot Juice is Murder



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