Category Archive 'Bumper Stickers'

21 Apr 2013


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The Mercedes SUV hijacked by the Chechen bombers bore this bumper sticker.


Full size

08 Sep 2012

Obama Bumper Sticker

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26 Mar 2012

On the Bumper of Steve Bodio’s Girl Yoga Instructor’s Car

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21 Nov 2010

Viral Email Humor

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When public policies begin attracting this kind of ridicule and bitter satire from the general population, intelligent leaders would change the policies. The American establishment, e.g., both Bush & Obama, cannot produce intelligent leaders anymore as our educational system is far more successful at inculcating self-confidence and self-entitlement on the basis of the credentials it issues than it is at inculcating common sense. American leaders don’t listen to the people; they listen to credentialed, well-qualified advisers and commentators who, chances are, have their heads equally up the very same place.

Hat tip to Ann Althouse via Matador Network.

06 Oct 2010

A Southern Perspective

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From Ta-Nehisi Coates.


Originally mistakenly tagged “South Carolina” by a blind and incompetent editor.

18 Jul 2010

Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

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Bound to be an enormous hit, from Newsbusters.

1:29 video.

26 Feb 2010

Roger Kimball’s Favorite Recent Bumper Sticker

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Roger mentions it here.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

25 Feb 2009

Amusing Bumper Sticker

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Seen by Karen on her morning commute:

30 Dec 2007

Bumper Sticker We Admired


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