Category Archive 'Captain’s Quarters'

25 Feb 2008

Blogospheric Consolidation

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Attentive readers will find Ann Althouse, Megan McArdle (formerly Jane Galt), and Michael Totten are helping Glenn Reynolds with the aggregating on Instapundit.

The big news of the day is that Captain Ed Morrissey has announced that he will be closing down his illustrious Captain’s Quarters blog and working at Michelle Malkin‘s Hot Air. I suppose adapting to the change will be easy enough. I just need to put Hot Air in my Essential Blogs links category.

Congratulations to all concerned.

03 Oct 2006

Captain’s Quarters is Three Years Old


CQ’s anniversary posting celebrates Three years. 8,156 posts. Over 109,000 comments and 16,000 trackbacks. 23 million visits.

Bravo Zulu.

Well done.

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