Category Archive 'Ghost Marriage'

03 Nov 2014

Ghost Marriage

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The BBC reports on an odd rural Chinese practice.

Eleven people have been arrested in eastern China for allegedly stealing women’s corpses for use in “ghost marriages”, it’s been reported.

They’re accused of exhuming a woman’s body from a village in Shandong province and selling it on the black market, the South China Morning Post reports. The “ghost marriage” ritual requires bachelors who have died to be buried next to a woman’s body “so that he won’t be alone in the afterlife”, the website says. It’s an increasingly rare practice in modern China, and now mainly happens in rural areas.

One of the accused was shown on Shandong’s local state TV channel saying a corpse could be sold for between 16,000 and 20,000 yuan ($2,600-$3,300; £1,600-£2,000), and that bodies are only valuable if they have been recently buried. “A body buried for years is worthless,” he says.

Full article.

Via Fred Lapides.

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