10 Dec 2005

What is the Press Up To?

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Daniel Henniger in a well-worth reading editorial in today’s WSJ considers the possibilities of the motivations for the MSM’s obsessive coverage of L’Affaire Plame:

Two reasons emerge. The first is if Patrick Fitzgerald indicted Karl Rove for violating this law, Mr. Rove likely would resign and the Bush presidency would be significantly damaged. The alternative explanation is that the press is merely pursuing a possible violation of federal law and any damage to the presidency is therefore the self-inflicted wound of Ms. Plame’s outer. If it is the former, then the conservative paranoia about the press isn’t paranoia. If the latter, then the Beltway press has lost its mind; they are making the practice of journalism more litigious for all the rest of us.

One Feedback on "What is the Press Up To?"


Press is trying to not cover the changing of the election calendar alot like the changes requested for the Electoral college beginning in Colorado. It failed because of the screams for a UN monitored vote when the dems did’n t like the court rulings.

As far as Plame, she already said she is a dem and wants to run for Presidnet in her comng out at ‘Vanity Fair’


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