Over in Moonbatistan, they are tongue-clucking over a story that Colonel Janis Karpinski (recently demoted for not preventing the hijinks at Abu Ghraib prison) is reported to have told to a self-appointed Bush war crimes commission. Karpinski alleges Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the former senior US military commander in Iraq (who relieved and reprimanded Karpinski), covered up reports that:
several women had died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day. They were afraid of being assaulted or even raped by male soldiers if they had to use the women’s latrine after dark.
The latrine for female soldiers at Camp Victory wasn’t located near their barracks, so they had to go outside if they needed to use the bathroom. “There were no lights near any of their facilities, so women were doubly easy targets in the dark of the night.
Karpinski testified that a surgeon for the coalition’s joint task force said in a briefing that “women in fear of getting up in the hours of darkness to go out to the port-a-lets or the latrines were not drinking liquids after 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and in 120 degree heat or warmer, because there was no air-conditioning at most of the facilities, they were dying from dehydration in their sleep.”
No guns? No group girl trips to the loo? No improvised bedpans? No MPs or officers one could report threats to? Plus you sleep so soundly at 120 unairconditioned degrees that you just die of dehydration in your sleep, never reaching for the old canteen? I suppose it all stands to reason. If you can believe all the other seven impossible things before breakfast the typical leftist believes, why! you can obviously believe this story, too.

My thoughts exactly.. this story doesn’t even pass the plausibility test for a fourth grader. Ask a fourth grader what they would do in the same situation, you’ll get “pee in a bucket” or “go to the bathroom with a friend” …
The fact that people actually believe this story is.. um.. baffling.
More Than Loans
What’s a little slander…
One problem. No female master sergeants have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I suppose this is fake, but accurate enough to use to slur our military as being such a bunch of appalling rapists that women will dehydrate themselves rather than risk hav…
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