07 Mar 2006

Guantanamo Transcripts, Section 40, Case 1


ISN# 049 – 8 pages – Detainee: W (Detainee has two names. He admits that one is an alias.) (Arabic name, origin unclear, somewhere “with harder and stronger weapons” than at Al Farouq and where 30,000 Americans visit evey year and “go about having fun.” Has been in Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.)

Reasons for Detention:

There are no official statements in this transcript. Detainee admits that he went to Afghanistan from Saudi Arabia for a job consisting of “preparations” (for armed defense). He did not need small arms training. He was already familiar with them, as they are common in his homeland. He was at Al Farouq for two weeks. He had a rifle. He left the camp with a group, after 11 September 2001, and went to Khost, where after three months he was injured by the accidental explosion of a grenade in the possession of another person. He was seriously injured, stayed in two hospitals, and had several operations. He admits to having previously been in Palestine, and to being familiar with the use of the Kalashnikov, the M-16, and grenades.

Detainee’s position:

Denies that he desired to become a jihadi. There were Americans he could have attacked in his hometown, if he wanted to attack Americans. He went to the Al Farouq camp, looking for work. He was there, but did not train there. You should not judge someone as an enemy combatant, just because he went to Afghanistan or attended the camp in Al Farouq. He went there because he needed a job.

JDZ Conclusions:

It is impossible to answer many of the questions we are trying to resolve with respect to a case like this one where we only have a transcript of one hearing. It is not a very good defense. He obviously trained with Al Qaeda, and bore arms against the Coalition. His history is not revealed clearly, but the alias and his past presence in Palestine certainly provoke further suspicion. I certainly would not release him.


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