10 Apr 2006

France Surrenders

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Reuters reports:

French President Jacques Chirac scrapped a youth job law on Monday after weeks of angry unrest, in a climbdown that undermined his prime minister and handed protesters victory.

Gateway Pundit is providing major coverage.

2 Feedbacks on "France Surrenders"

King Furious

I’m sick of seeing this kind of ignorant yankee jock-boy, cockless sniggering all over the internet.

Try a realistic assessment of what the US govt has achieved instead of being a toadying yes-man hiding behind it’s blood encrusted coat-tails.

Oh yeah – and stop shooting at your allies. What do you think this is, Star Wars? Idiots.


By this rationale, presumably America would have no blades on their knife but one digital button with ‘WAR’ written next to it.


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