I think there are several very obvious ways.
MIT Climate Scientist Richard Lindzen, in the Wall Street Journal, discusses one of the ways you can tell: by the ongoing pattern of intimidation of dissenters and stifling of debate associated with Global Warming in the scientific community.
If it wasn’t bunk, they wouldn’t have to punish dissent and censor debate, would they? If they weren’t liars and opportunists, they wouldn’t act with the ruthlessness and dishonesty which have become characteristic features of Global Warming orthodoxy enforcement.
A “for instance” seems obligatory, so I’ll just point to Scientific American‘s threatening to sue Björn Lomborg for daring to quote the special hatchet job they published on his book The Skeptical Environmentalist in a web-published reply to their attack.

im from england and i to believe that both our governments are using this as a massive worldwide money making scheme.ther is no way that global warming is to blame for the natural disasters that have happend in recent years because they have been around foe centuries.i also believe that IF global warming is happening…then let it happen.they say that future generations will suffer,but they are going to anyway sooner or later…and i say sooner rather than later because us humans will adapt to the effects anyway,technology is so far advanced that something will DEFINATLY be invented to help with it all.
i i truly believe that there are many cover up stories that our governments portray,things from sending man to the moon and the way people are elected into power.if u would like to hear my versions of events then please do get in touch
Greg Doran
The amount of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface is 6,000 times the amount of energy used by all human beings worldwide. The total amount of fossil fuel used by humans since the start of civilization is equivalent to less than 30 days of sunshine. [ Source: Einstein Year ]
A mere drop in the ocean so as to say. It is my belief that this Global Warming fiasco is nothing other than total hype encouraged and funded by identifiable business sectors and governments in an effort to create a new source of revenue through so called carbon taxation and new business opportunities. There has been a recognisable cycle of Global Warming and Global Cooling since time began, what’s new?
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