I don’t think this declaration is perfectly written or thought out, but the recent publication of the home address and phone number of a particularly prominent blogger on one side of the ideological divide by a number of her adversaries was an exceptionally outrageous violation of the blogosphere’s ethos, and of ordinary human common sense and civility.
Consequently, the Never Yet Melted blog does endorse the so-called Online Integrity Statement of Principles reading:
Private persons are entitled to respect for their privacy regardless of their activities online. This includes respect for the non-public nature of their personal contact information, the inviolability of their homes, and the safety of their families. No information which might lead others to invade these spaces should be posted. The separateness of private persons’ professional lives should also be respected as much as is reasonable.
Public figures are entitled to respect for the non-public nature of their personal, non-professional contact information, and their privacy with regard to their homes and families. No information which might lead others to invade these spaces should be posted.
Persons seeking anonymity or pseudonymity online should have their wishes in this regard respected as much as is reasonable. Exceptions include cases of criminal, misleading, or intentionally disruptive behavior.
Violations of these principles should be met with a lack of positive publicity and traffic.

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