Hershey, Nestle and some other big companies are up to no good.
Would chocolate containing trans fats and sugar substitutes taste as sweet as the real thing? Hershey Co. and other candy-makers say yes.
The Chocolate Manufacturers Association, whose members include Hershey, Nestle SA and Archer Daniels Midland Co., has a petition before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to redefine what constitutes chocolate.
They want to make it without the required ingredients of cocoa butter and cocoa solids, using instead artificial sweeteners, milk substitutes, and vegetable fats such as hydrogenated and trans fats.
“They are trying to pull one over on us,” said Cybele May, 40, publisher of CandyBlog, on which she has encouraged more than 200 people to write the FDA to protest what she calls “mockolate.” “What they are asking for is permission to confuse the consumer for what we readily accept as chocolate,” she said. …
A pound of chocolate contains roughly 25 percent cocoa butter at a cost of $2.30, while vegetable oils are as little as 70 cents a pound.

Trans fat can increase the risk of developing gallstones, according to a 14-year study of 46,000 men. In comparison surveys, those who consumed relatively high amounts of trans fat had higher risk for forming gallstones, as well as higher LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides and lower HDL (good) cholesterol. Trans fat is a common ingredient in margarine and often used in processing foods. Check food labels for trans fat on the nutrition panel. Health officials advise that we consume as little trans fat as possible
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