Lorie Bird at Wizbang reports that during his interview on 60 Minutes, George Tenet continued his attacks on the Bush Administration for ignoring the Intelligence Community and launching an unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
Dick Cheney and the Neocons were wrong, Tenet asserted. Wiser heads in the Intelligence Community had more correctly estimated that Saddam wouldn’t have nuclear weapons (he could make available to terrorists) until 2007 to 2009!
SCOTT PELLEY, CBS’ “60 MINUTES”: January ’03, the President, again: “imagine those 19 hijackers this time armed by Saddam’s Hussein,” is that what you’re telling the President?
[narrating voice]
The Vice President up the anty, claiming Saddam had nuclear weapons when the CIA was saying he didn’t.
PELLEY: What’s happening here?
TENNET: I don’t know what’s happening here. The intelligence community’s judgement is he will not have nuclear weapons until the year 2007, 2009.
PELLEY: That’s not what the Vice President is saying.
TENNET: Well I can’t explain it.

Timothy A. Ruane
How does Tenet, with his assertion here that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons capability before the U.S. invasion, reconcile his current stance with Bob Woodward’s report that he, Tenet, told President Bush in the White house that Iraq’s nuclear weapons capability was a slam dunk? Did Tenet not shill for the White House and then receive a medal for it? How can the leader of an intelligence agency which blatantly failed in preventing the single worst disaster in the history of the United States be given a medal? Tenet should have been fired. I would have been fired had I been the head of the CIA on Sept. 11, 2001. And if I hadn’t been fired, I would have resigned in abject embarrassment and humiliation.
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