Al Gore has declined to debate Global Warming skeptics, so Junk Science brings the debate to him by presenting replies from a number of prominent scientific climate skeptics in this 8:52 video.
The same Junk Science is also offering a $125,000 prize to anyone who can prove, in a scientific manner, that humans are causing harmful global warming.

Thank you for covering this. In my view the underlying motive for pushing “human mediated” global warming to the front of the agenda of activist government is simply this: Governments in all places and all eras tend to want to aggrandize their power and to increase the percentage of societal wealth that they control and dispose.
Gee, mandatory carbon caps – with or without “tradeable credits” – are the best idea for pursuit of this agenda since, oh, “seizure of the means of production by the workers”.
The EU has already adopted mandatory standards, and the US Senate has just passed a bill with a very similar set of provisions. It’s later than we think if we want to stop this particular, politically driven disaster.
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