Andrew Sullivan is currently running the above photograph captioned only:
US President George W. Bush (C) leans over to talk with a girl (R) after Bush participated in a lesson for young children on the importance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day during a tour of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, DC, 21 January 2008.
But, at Free Republic, Andrew Sullivan’s post is linked (by a correspondent signing himself america4vr) with the following text which appears to have been originally Andrew Sullivan’s.
This picture will forever be branded in my memory as one of the most disturbing images ever. What child would not be thrilled, ecstatic to meet the President of the United States, particularly one with the goofy,likable charm of President Bush? Here you see him greeting, warmly embracing this child in the loveliest, purest of emotions. The look of revulsion, of vehemence, of utter contempt for the President on this child is one of the most haunting, disturbing images I have ever seen.
Certainly the family was aware that the president would be coming to the school in celebration of the holiday.This child has been brainwashed, her palpable prejudice is not one that can be ingrained overnight, one that requires an extended period of incubation.
What an absolute utter disgrace.
It’s possible that that comment is actually by america4vr, but one wonders if Sullivan may not have first posted it and then later removed it.
In any event, it is the interpretive comment which supplies the crucial food for thought and makes one look seriously at the picture.
Dominique R. Poirier
This picture may have been correctly explained, or not, by both Andrew Sullivan and Free Republic.
It just has no value, in my opinion.
For I remember having experienced very similar attitude and glances from one of my daughter’s friends, not longtime ago. She was about the same age, according to all likelihood.
But when I said to my daughter that her friend didn’t seem to appreciate me much, just as a way to ascertain that I didn’t misjudge this attitude, she spontaneously answered to me:
“Oh no, not at all! The trouble with her is that she finds you tall and very intimidating.â€
So, it’s just amateurish propaganda, and the real wrong is that Free Republic swallowed it.
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