18 Jul 2008

One-Sided Obama Trip Coverage

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Conservative commentators are widely predicting that television network coverage of Barack Obama’s trip abroad is going to look an awful lot like a series of campaign commercials.

Investors Business Daily :

Barack Obama is headed overseas, with the three network anchors trailing behind him like groupies ga-ga over a rock star. And they say that media bias is just a myth.

Obama will begin his travels Friday with a visit to Europe and continue on to the Middle East. These are not normal campaign stops for a man running for president. But Obama is no common man — at least as the media see him.

They have uncritically anointed him a savior and are eager to be in his presence as he makes his “historic” trip. NBC News anchor Brian Williams, ABC anchor Charles Gibson and CBS anchor Katie Couric will be on hand, and they’ll scratch and claw each other to get that exclusive interview.

Obama’s arrogance — playing president and planning to speak in front of Berlin’s symbolic Brandenburg Gate — is unseemly enough. But the media fawning is a disgrace. Other than those reporters assigned to John McCain, do they even know that Obama’s opponent in the fall has made not one, but three trips overseas since March?

Not only did the anchors pass on those tours, their respective networks “provided little if any coverage of any of them,” according to an analysis by the Media Research Center. When McCain was in Europe and the Middle East for a week in March, the networks that will immortalize Obama’s triumphant tour carried only four full stories on the trip.

“CBS did not even send a correspondent along” and offered “only one report consisting of only 31 words” over 10 seconds for “the entire week Sen. McCain was abroad,” the MRC reports.

Read the whole thing.

2 Feedbacks on "One-Sided Obama Trip Coverage"

Scott D

C’mon, David. Would you not expect L’Osservatore Romano to cover the return to earth of Jesus?


It will be propaganda of a sort not seen since the heyday of TASS and Pravda,in the old Soviet Bloc. It will be the equivalent of a story I read over 10 years ago, of North Korea’s press “reporting” one day, that Kim Jong Il had played 18 holes of golf, and hit a hole-in-one on every hole.

And if they show that stupid footage of him playing basketball with some troops and making that basket,ONE MORE TIME( You know,that he had to have missed several shots,but the media naturally only uses the shot made, to make the idiots believe he hit it on the first shot ) I’m goinna smash my tv in.


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