The kid and the grandpa:
Obama was 11 when Biden entered Congress. I guess they’re going fishin’ together.
Joe Biden does bring one big constituency with him – the Hair Club for Men.
He’s at least as fresh a face as Madeleine Albright.
J.D., a Little Green Footballs Commenter (no. 67) observes:
Joe Biden? I feel the same way I did at the end of the last episode of “The Sopranos.” Sure, some people considered the go-to-black ending nuanced, but as far as I was concerned, the producers punted. They chose a non-ending because they couldn’t decide on a strong ending. …
This has the potential to become very very ugly.

Mr. Biden will be an interesting choice for Obama.
They both bring rather opposing perspectives to the table, but their teamwork will pay off in the end for a better America.
I think Obama is a $lut for choosing Biden. He might as well have chosen Bin Laden! Or maybe Vladimir Putin. It will be an interesting combination of cookies and cream this one! Except the cream will be old man cream.
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