31 Jan 2009

Advocating Socialism Pays Well, But Socialists Avoid Paying Taxes

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Tom Daschle, Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, who is also intended to become Czar in Charge of Nationalizing America’s Health Care, has decided it would be prudent to pay some overdue back taxes.

Former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle paid $140,000 in back taxes and interest in recent weeks – much of it due to a car and driver loaned to him for free by a friend and Democratic fundraiser.

That back-tax bill on Friday threw a stumbling block in front of his nomination as Barack Obama’s health and human services secretary.

Daschle used the Cadillac and driver around Washington while working as a consultant to a New York City private equity firm, InterMedia Advisors. He used the limo 80 percent for personal use – resulting in unreported income of more than $255,000 for the three years, Senate Finance Committee documents show.

InterMedia paid Daschle consulting fees at a rate of $1 million a year – or $83,333 a month. Daschle’s financial disclosure forms put his income from InterMedia at more than $2 million since 2005.


He can afford it, after all, having made $5.3 million in propitiatory payments over the last two years from his intended victims.

Tom Daschle, under fire for not paying taxes, made nearly $5.3 million in the last two years, records released Friday show.

Daschle, the former Senate Democratic leader who President Obama has tapped to overhaul the nation’s healthcare system, was paid $220,000 to give speeches to outfits that have a vested interest in the result the work he would do once confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Among the companies and groups paying thousands of dollars a pop to book Daschle were some that stand to gain or lose the most depending on the results of Obama’s efforts to enact universal health.

One Feedback on "Advocating Socialism Pays Well, But Socialists Avoid Paying Taxes"

Scott D

Mr Daschle says that he consulted his accountant about this last August. This is a pretty easy tax question to which he would have received the answer within 24 hours. Why do you suppose he waited to take action?


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