The Confederate Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery
Ignoring loud voices from the Academic left and the moonbat sector of the blogosphere, President Obama chose to continue a presidential tradition dating back almost a century to the Wilson Administration of sending a wreath on Memorial Day for placement at Arlington National Cemetery’s Confederate Memorial.
NYM joins Warner Todd Huston in congratulating President Obama for a statesmanlike decision, which avoided the exploitation of divisive historical oversimplifications.
President Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate memorial at Arlington cemetery during the memorial services to recognize the sacrifices and service of the members of our armed forces this week. It has been a tradition since Woodrow Wilson offered a wreath to memorialize Confederate dead at Arlington and a tradition that many on the American far left wanted to see ended. They have been disappointed.
But the president also started a new tradition, one that everyone should welcome and one that we should all hope is continued by every succeeding president that comes after Obama. President Obama also laid a wreath at the African-American Civil War Memorial at Vermont Avenue and U Street Northwest in Washington D.C.
President Obama struck just the right balance on this and he should be commended. By memorializing the fallen from federal service, the fallen from Confederate service, and the fallen memorialized by the African-American monument we have at last a united effort that recognizes the sacrifice of all Americans, equally.
The contemporary left’s enthusiasm for re-fighting the Civil War ignores the historical truth that the war involved larger issues than Slavery, that the majority of men serving in the ranks of the Confederacy owned no slaves, and most prominently ignores with deliberate deceit the services of black confederates.
Scott K. William’s Black Confederates web-site supplies a good deal of information.
It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. …
Frederick Douglas reported, “There are at the present moment many Colored men in the Confederate Army doing duty not only as cooks, servants and laborers, but real soldiers, having musket on their shoulders, and bullets in their pockets, ready to shoot down any loyal troops and do all that soldiers may do to destroy the Federal government and build up that of the…rebels.†…
The “Richmond Howitzers” were partially manned by black militiamen. They saw action at 1st Manassas (or 1st Battle of Bull Run) where they operated battery no. 2. In addition two black “regimentsâ€, one free and one slave, participated in the battle on behalf of the South. “Many colored people were killed in the actionâ€, recorded John Parker, a former slave. …
The Jackson Battalion included two companies of black soldiers. They saw combat at Petersburg under Col. Shipp. “My men acted with utmost promptness and goodwill…Allow me to state sir that they behaved in an extraordinary acceptable manner.”
A quota was set for 300,000 black soldiers for the Confederate States Colored Troops. 83% of Richmond’s male slave population volunteered for duty. A special ball was held in Richmond to raise money for uniforms for these men. Before Richmond fell, black Confederates in gray uniforms drilled in the streets.
In fact, the first memorial in the nation’s capitol to honor black Americans’ military service is the same Confederate Memorial, designed in 1914 by Moses Ezekiel, a Jewish Confederate.
A black confederate soldier (4th from left) marches in the same ranks with other confederates)
A southern officer leaves behind his children in the care of a black servant

Carrie M
I wish I’d had a “real” camera (not just my cell phone) when I was there last year. It was a humbling place.
Alex Scarbrough
The Condeferate Monument was designed by a Southern Patriot who just happened to be Jewish. In addition to the many Caucasian faces on it, there are also fittingly African and Jewish individuals depicted. I’ve heard that there are Hispanics as well. Regardless, is well documented that there were those of Spanish descent and Native Americans that rose to generalships in the Confederate Army. Additionally Judah P. Benjamin, a Jew, served in several positions in Jefferson Davis’ Presidential Cabinet. Talk about Equality?
Truth Lives! DEO VINDICE!
David McCallister
Now that Pres. Obama has embraced his Irish relations, perhaps he’ll be open about his Confederate connections as well. It is admirable of him not to bend to the vindictive politically-correct who want him to disrespect the Confederate Memorial in some from of twisted “waving the bloody shirt”, as if that is an expected item on their “we won-you lost” agenda projected on a half-African-American man. This zero-sum game of the Confederophobe racists needs to be resisted; and Pres.Obama has shown he will not stoop to their level. I hope he will keep up the even-handed treatment for the rest of his term, especially during the Sesquicentennial.
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