30 Nov 2009

Chapel Hill Meet

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Huntsman Dennis Downing salutes, as he leads out the Blue Ridge hounds at Chapel Hill (Click on images for larger version)

Yesterday’s hunt met at Chapel Hill, in front of the historic stone house which was once the home of “Wild Bill” Donovan (1883-1959), Medal of Honor winner and founder of the OSS.

photo: Karen L. MyersThis handsome fox had no difficulty eluding hounds (photo: Karen L. Myers)

One Feedback on "Chapel Hill Meet"

Nicholas Gordon

Its great to see that Fox Hunting is flourishing in the US and that a continent away there are people who still hold its traditions and enjoy their sport. We are still battling on in the UK to preserve our sport, despite the misguided and ignorant views of a minority that have tried to steal our heritage and way of life away from us. Fox Hunting and Beagling are still holding on here, despite a totally non-democratic van imposed in 2004 and otherwise decent members of society are `breaking the law` each week throughout the hunting season to keep their sport going. As predicted shooting and other sports are still under threat here and are whole way of rural life going back hundreds of years is still under threat.
Many folks who have come by a bit of money are moving into converted barns in the countryside and starting to dictate to us with their urban based views and this is adding to the problems. If we get a change in government and a chance to repeal the Hunting Act 2004 we might at least slow the tide a little; but this will be a hard fought and difficult battle, as once legislation is passed (no matter how misguided) its not easy to undo the mistakes.


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