Ring with precious stones
An Austrian residing in or near the city of Wiener Neustadt, referred to in news accounts only as “Andreas K.”, was digging to expand a small pond in his backyard garden in 2007 when he discovered a medieval horde of 200 pieces of jewelry, buckles, and silver plates embedded with precious stones, pearls, and fossilized coral.
The finder failed to recognize their value at the time, and simply placed all the objects in a box. He sold his house and moved in 2009, at which time he happened to glance in the box previously stored in the basement. The dirt covering the object had dried and begun to fall off revealing jewels and precious metals.
The finder made inquiries on the Internet and knowledgeable collectors advised him to contact the Bundesdenkmalamt Österreich (BDA), the Austrian Heritage Office.
The BDA press office released a news report on Friday, but it is obvious that the objects have yet to be seriously analyzed and evaluated.
Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.
Belt buckle with pearl inlay

It’s “hoard” as in “stored quantity”, not “horde” as in “large group of warriors”.
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