The dinosaur is wearing a “PS” (Parti socialiste) pin in his beret.
Tim Blair offers some quotations as commentary on the French election.
P.J. O’Rourke in 2008:
France is a treasure to mankind. French ideas, French beliefs, and French actions form a sort of loadstone for humanity. Because a moral compass needle needs a butt end. Whatever direction France is pointing in—toward Nazi collaboration, Communism, existentialism, Jerry Lewis movies, or President Sarkozy’s personal life—you can go the other way with a clear conscience.
France in 2012:
French voters elected François Hollande as president on Sunday, giving the country a Socialist leader who has pledged to shift the burden of hardship to the rich and resolve the protracted euro-zone sovereign-debt crisis by softening the current prescription of austerity.
Time to haul right and stomp welfare. History is our guide.
UPDATE. Iowahawk: “If white people are so smart, then how do you explain Europe?â€

This is what happens when more then 50% of the voters are on the dole. We are almost there. If Obama promises enough free stuff he will win in November. We are no smarter then the French. Even if Obama loses Nothing changes, it is just a matter of time before 51% of our voters buy into the same socialist propaganda the French people did. American voters are not smart enough to avoid this trap.
The French are conflicted. When the people of France rejected the EU Constitution in 2005, the Globalists wouldn’t take no for an answer. We’ll see how this other “ism” works out for them.
Austerity: Noun, Newspeak. Any government action that slightly reduces the rate at which it is spending itself into bankruptcy.
And who says that the French haven’t learn anything from the US? Hollande has vowed to raise taxes and drive corporations and high earners out of France. That’s the California Plan!
Jessie Bastillette
Je suis franchement décue.J’ai voté François Hollande comme président d’abord parce que je croyais au changement qui était annoncé et à la conception d’une majorité irréprochable. Quelle déception de voir que François Hollande choisi comme 1er ministre Jean Marc Ayrault, qui n’est vraiment pas irréprochable ! Il a clairement était l’objet d’une condamnation à six mois de prison pour magouille de favoritisme ! Tellement décue..
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