17 Dec 2013

50 Years of Federal Spending


From NPR:

Fifty years ago, defense spending accounted for about half of all government spending. Today, defense spending accounts for less than a quarter of all government spending. (In the graph, by the way, “Non-defense” refers to non-defense discretionary spending, which includes education, transportation and lots of other government programs.)

Medicare didn’t exist 50 years ago; last year, it accounted for more than 10 percent of federal spending.


2 Feedbacks on "50 Years of Federal Spending"


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could run your personal finances this way? The only question you’d ask of your family is, “Does everyone think this sounds like a good idea?” You would not have to consider whether there was a positive return to your expenditure or whether there were more productive uses. You wouldn’t even have to answer the question , “Who will pay for this?” Because the answer is always, “Somebody else. Someday.”

Yes it would be fun to operate in the fantasy world of liberals. That is, until someone actually did ask me to pay for all things I’d bought over the last fifty years.


Medicare is largely funded by a tax paid by all workers specifically for medicare. So why is Medicare singled out as “the bad guy’? Does Medicaid pay it’s own way with a special tax? Does Welfare pay it’s own way with a special tax?
SS also has a special tax which pays for all of the benefits paid out. You have to wonder who creates these false claims of “entitlements” and leaves out all forms of welfare. last year the federal government paid out $1.2 trillion in welfare and the states paid out a simiar amount. It isn’t the self paid SS and Medicare that is breaking the back of the budget it is welfare and all the extrodianry overhead of the federal government. If you want to fix this problem end federal welfare, eliminate about half the programs and departments and fire about half the federal employees.


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