28 Jan 2014

It’s Good Enough For Me

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4 Feedbacks on "It’s Good Enough For Me"


The subtle hostility toward Christianity is puzzling. Your Dec 25 post repeating the 1949 WSJ Editorial implied a deeper respect than recent posts do. This isn’t a complaint, it’s more of a curious observation.


I think it’s more of an observation of humor, rather than an endorsement.


I’m really a scoffer and skeptic(brought up Roman Catholic). To my discomfiture, these days, I find myself practically always on the religious side of the culture wars. I have a long personal tradition of being critical of Christianity, but I find self-congratulatory liberal secular materialism much more simplistic & annoying at the present time.


Thanks for the insight. It may have been Jesus himself who said: “It’s hard to soar like eagles when you work with turkeys.” Author Richard Rohr sees the many centuries of faith as a tide moving back and forth, he simplifies it as 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.


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