Ratak Monodosico blogs female combatants throughout history, ending with:
Capt. Kim Campbell, US Air Force, A10 Warthog pilot during the Iraq War, the pictures speak for themselves.
18 Sep 2015
Female CombatantsCaptain Kim Campbell, Female Combatants, HistoryRatak Monodosico blogs female combatants throughout history, ending with: Capt. Kim Campbell, US Air Force, A10 Warthog pilot during the Iraq War, the pictures speak for themselves. Feeds
Wish it were that simple. Indeed women can be effective fighter pilots. but almost all of those pesky problems found in ground combat do not exist. It is training and once the pilot is engaged it is self-survival a very strong desire indeed. But can you because of a few successful female pilots conclude that female ground combat troops will be as effective as male troops would be. If we are seriously going to go down this road, and it seems like we are, then I suggests all women register for the draft at age 18 and that in case of war we draft them just as we would men and put them into combat. One slight change would be put the women into female only units and not mixed with males. After all I see no reason we should get the “real” combat soldiers killed when they try to save the “faux” combat soldiers from their inevitable fate.
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