04 Nov 2015

Yale Plans Spending on “Diversity”

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Yale News:

Yale will devote $50 million in resources over the next five years to enhance the excellence of its faculty by building diversity university-wide, President Peter Salovey and Provost Ben Polak announced in a Nov. 3 email.

“Yale’s education and research missions are propelled forward by a faculty that stands at the forefront of scholarship, research, practice, mentoring, and teaching. An excellent faculty in all of these dimensions is a diverse faculty, and that diversity must reach across the whole of Yale — to every school and to every department,” wrote the President and Provost.

‘This commitment has been and continues to be one of the university’s most important,” they continued. “Over the past three decades several Yale initiatives helped to foster a more diverse and more inclusive faculty, and all of our schools have worked diligently in recent years to contribute toward this goal. We are grateful for this collective effort, and for the resources that have already been invested. But we can and should do more.”

Whole thing.

Diversity is right up there with Recycling and Climate Change at the top of the hierarchy of ideas which succeed in infatuating the supposedly well-educated elites despite their obvious puerile absurdity.

“Diversity” to Yale simply means hiring more questionably qualified blacks, women, and queers specifically to teach in bogus, intellectually fraudulent fields recently invented to flatter group egos, sow group divisions, and fan the fires of group grievances.

Tuition and room and board at Yale these days (Lord!) costs $63,250 per annum. For roughly $25 million Yale could give 100 full four-year scholarships to 100 veterans of military service. The kind of Americans who serve in the military would be a lot more meaningfully “diverse” in social background, life experience, and philosophic outlook than a bunch narcissistic purveyors of cultural studies and their presence a lot more enriching.

If Yale wanted real diversity, the administration would start hiring a few conservative and Republican faculty and administrators and would give undergraduate organizations and social groups on the Right access to meeting places instead of actively persecuting them and trying to drive them out of existence.

4 Feedbacks on "Yale Plans Spending on “Diversity”"


I read that yesterday. Yale assiduously avoids mentioning what kinds of diversity they are actually looking for (other than a vague reference to getting more women in STEM). But everyone in the University understands (wink, wink) what they mean.


Diversity is liberal double speak for anti-male/anti-white. Simple as that. It is not and never was about ‘diversity’ and in fact it is the exact opposite.


So, would they hire Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams? That would help their diversity problem.

Maggie's Farm

Thursday morning links

Decade long ice age predicted as sun ‘hibernates’ Amazon goes brick-and-mortar as e-books falter Layla:  It’s not about the song. It’s never been about the song. It has always been about the coda. A book (via Insty).  The Business o


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