Steve Johnson takes a knowledgeable guess:
I would expect CMP 1911 pistols to be about 30-50% less than the current market price. The market price for WWII M1911 pistols is about $1000 – $4000+. $2000 seems to be the going price for Service Grade pistols.
Based on the market prices, the CMP’s pricing history and the the increase of supply that these pistols will bring to the market, my guesstimate pricing for CMP 1911 pistols are:
Grade Price
CMP Rack Grade 1911 Price – *
CMP Field Grade 1911 Price $750
CMP Service Grade 1911 Price $850
CMP Special Grade 1911 Price $1100
Other ** $1800 +* I do not expect there to be rack grade pistols for sale initially.
** Depending on what is in the Army inventory, there could be a range of rare pistols in their own categories, but not rare enough to go to auction.I hope the prices will be lower than my estimates. I know many of you are hoping for $500 1911 pistols but I do not realistically expect this to happen. Modern 1911 pistols are popular enough in their own right without the added attraction of being military surplus.

At first glance I didn’t realize that the two cartridges in the photo are different sizes. The bottom one appears to be .45 ACP but the top one looks like 9mm Luger.
I don’t think so, “LibertyorWhat??!!”. The big one is a .45 ACP, and the other is a .25 ACP (or 6.35 mm). I don’t see why this other cartridge has been put in display on this photo, but for the only possible sake of a size comparison, most likely. To show how big .45 ACP is (so this photography is probably old).
Besides, the gun is not a true 1911, but a less desirable 1911 A1 (so manufactured after 1924). The difference is as big to me or to any gun collector as between a Lüger P08 “DWM” or “Erfurt” made (or a much rarer P08 “08” of the first contract with all stamps on the right side of the frame) and a WWII made (two very different guns in quality and finishing, although they look the same at first glance).
These two kinds of guns are “emotionally loaded” with different stories. A true 1911 in very good condition is priceless.
Speculation on CMP 1911 Pistol Prices - Page 2
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