23 Jan 2016

“Ihr Deutschland Kaputt Gemacht!”

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This video made by a 16-year-old Bibi Wilhaim tells German elites that they have destroyed Germany with their policy of admitting Third World primitives. She calls on the men of Germany to protect their women and children from Muslim attacks. Facebook is apparently censoring her video as “hate speech.”

6 Feedbacks on "“Ihr Deutschland Kaputt Gemacht!”"

T. Shaw

Zuck Fuckerberg.


Facebook is a ghetto. Get out of the ghetto, be free.


Facebook über alles.


You have to ask can the liberal leaders in Europe all be that stupid or is there more to this? Then ask why with all the disgusting things on facebook and other social sites why a simple discussion of this subject is taboo. You can make false claims of rape and racism and not only get away with it but the ‘victim’ is destroyed. But make a honest presentation of the facts of muslim immigration and all hell breaks loose. Still believe this isn’t intentional?


Ask Bibi if her parents helped elect Angela….and tell her not to wear any perfume or drink beer.

sound awake

this is how you know you live in an empire of lies:

when truth is considered treason


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