(via Vanderleun, among many others)
“I will not be forced to vote for somebody I don’t want to.”
I guess Clem here got up off the couch and joined the GOP earlier this year when Donald J. Trump the Savior suddenly appeared on the political event horizon.
Trumpkins like Clem are naturally angry and upset. Donald Trump came in on top in a number of primaries and currently possesses a plurality in the delegate count. That obviously means that he is entitled to keep winning and the Republican Party ought to make him the nominee. But now the tide has begun to turn against him, and that is completely unfair.
Who wouldn’t be upset?
I guess old Clem (in the Cabela’s t-shirt) has never in his long life been previously disappointed in the candidate nominated by the GOP. Unlike myself, Clem must have rejoiced when they put up Nixon in ’68 and ’72. I couldn’t vote in ’68, but in ’72, faced with the nauseating choice of Nixon or (commie) George McGovern, I voted sarcastically for Bircher John Schmitz, who believed in the Illuminati Conspiracy.
Presumably it was OK with Clem when the evil and unconservative Republican Establishment denied the nomination in 1976 to the demigod Ronald Reagan and gave it to the inevitable loser Gerald Ford. I was disappointed, and being of Lithuanian extraction, I was actively angry that Ford clumsily misspoke during a debate with the peanut farmer seemingly denying that the countries of Eastern Europe were “captive nations” under Soviet domination, but I nonetheless grudgingly pulled the lever for Ford.
There was no problem for me, or presumably for Clem (if he actually voted) in 1980, or 1984, or 1988. The Republican choices of Ronald Reagan and then his Vice President George H.W. Bush were not controversial for most of us.
But (obviously led to self-destruction by some Greek god) George H.W. Bush flagrantly broke his campaign promise (“Read my lips: No new taxes!”), and conservatives were incensed. I voted for Pat Buchanan in the GOP Primary, and wrote in “Donald Duck” in the general election. Clearly, though, things were still hunky dory with Clem.
In 1996, I strongly preferred a conservative candidate like Steve Forbes or Phil Gramm. The Party nominated tired old, moderate old Bob Dole, a business-as-usual, Establishment Republican if there ever was one. I voted for him, but we still got hosed.
2000 was shaping up to be a Republican victory. I was still for Forbes, but George W. Bush, if not a shining light, seemed tolerably conservative, and I supported him. I was more enthusiastically behind GWB in 2004, as he was running against the Vietnam War traitor and consummate shit John Kerry.
In the course of my own long lifetime, I’ve only ever twice seen the GOP nominate guys I was in wholehearted support of: Barry Goldwater in 1964, when I was much too young to vote, and Ronald Reagan. I’ve been sufficiently hostile to GOP nominees twice (Nixon in ’72 and George H.W. Bush the oath-breaker in ’92) that I refused to vote for them. But I never gave up on the two-party system or burned my Republican registration card, because I didn’t get my way one particular year.
Personally, I always figured that people intelligent enough to be conservative were more or less bound to find themselves generally in the minority, and I recognized long ago that victories in national elections are not something we can hope to gain with any kind of real assurance. Conservatives have to look at politics the way Addison’s Cato the Elder did:
“’Tis not in mortals to command success, But we’ll do more, Sempronius; we’ll deserve it.â€
You simply do not have a gifted and principled national figure like Ronald Reagan available to run every four years. And even when you do, the timeservers, functionaries, and trimmers are liable to beat you, the way they beat us in ’76.
So, no, I do not have a lot of respect for Clem’s position or perspective. Screw him.
I will say though that all this Trump business is depressing, because a lot of more significant and talented people than Clem have lost their grip and joined the Trump Movement. There are a lot of conservative bloggers I follow and like dancing along in the wake of Donald the Blue-Suited-and-tied-excessively-long-necktied Piper. I’m making something of an heroic effort these days to restrain myself from saying the cruelest things I can possibly say, because I think they are inevitably going to lose, and I don’t really want to alienate many of them. I don’t think the Conservative Movement or the Conservative Blogosphere can do without them. Unlike Clem there, in the Cabela’s t-shirt. To hell with Clem.
Cabela Clem is really one Larry Wayne Lindsey, and his story is bogus according to folks from Colorado.
It appears that Trump supporters who have rallied behind Larry Wayne Lindsey have been schlonged.
Lindsey became an overnight sensation after the Trump Report Drudge Report highlighted a video of the wannabe Trump delegate burning his Republican party registration after pro-Cruz political insiders cast him aside. The trouble with Larry’s story is that it is a big fat lie.
Larry did not attend the county caucus, which is where he needed to go in order to get elected as a delegate to the state convention. …
NBC News actually reported that Larry was shut out likely due to his own “lack of familiarity with the process.â€
“But a sign-in sheet from his county’s March 19 assembly, the second step of the process where delegates were elected to the statewide assembly, reveals that Lindsey never showed up to that meeting, and an alternate signed in for him instead.â€
And when confronted with the fact that he did not attend the correct meeting, Larry Wayne Lindsey, who regularly posts Prntly articles headlining Ted Cruz’s alleged sexual exploits and supposed ineligibility, “admits he may have missed a meeting,†but following in the footsteps of his dear leader, shockingly blames one of the “many Cruz supporters who deliberately tried to mislead him on several occasions, including on dates and times of meetings.â€

Bill Cook
Since when has Clem, or anyone else, ever been forced to vote for anyone. Unless, maybe, he has voted in North Korea.
Bill Cook
I’m not sure why Cruz has been so vilified. All he has done is follow the rules that the GOP has put in place in the various states. He has been extremely effective in his organization, as well.
Trump, on the hand, has through out his life sought to change the rules whenever it was to his advantage. No change now.
Jacob's Step Stool
Has Trump even won a closed primary yet?
Evan Duffle
The elitism of all you Trump haters is disgusting.
You are acting just like Democrats.
Still waiting for you to stir up some scum from the bottom of the well, on Trumps’s mother.
What’s the hold up?
Bill Cook
Trumps’s mother was a fine lady. Too bad he didn’t take after her. He is just like his dad, unfortunately.
You know not a thing about his mother.
Bill Cook
Scullman, are you implying that his mother was not a fine lady?
bob sykes
Someone said the last brokered convention was in 1976. I’m old enough to remember a few, and they were quite entertaining. Daley was a hoot. Looking forward to Cleveland. Expect Kasich to get the nod.
I’m implying you dont know jack shit about his mother, wise ass.
Bill Cook
Scullman, your a peach. And perhaps the prototype Trump supporter.
And that would of course be “you’re” not “your” a peach, genius Trump hater.
Well, I am not Trump supporter but I am amazed at the head in the sand attitude I see from the Trump haters. Cruz needs to be better than Trump and the Republican party needs to have their candidate selected legitimately. If Cruz can win the nomination cleanly without seeming to have used dirty tricks and back room deals I think that Trump supporters will eventually choose to vote for Cruz. However if (as is apparently the case) the Republican party uses dirty tricks to disenfranchise Trump supporters AND if Cruz embraces this and gets the nomination as a result of this I don’t think the Trump supporters will ever change their support to Cruz. Simple as that. IMHO the Republicans have already made their choice and are more than willing to lose the presidential race if they can keep Trump and change out of the party. They, the GOPe, will not lose anything if Hillary wins. They will still have their political jobs and connections, high wages and power. In fact they will be better off because of course Hillary will be a disaster and the people in flyover country will have no choice but to support the Republicans and give them donations in an effort to push her out of office in 2020. So, that’s where we are; the Republicans will sacrifice the constitution, the country and the middle class to retain their privileged status.
What your are seeing these days is a variation of the old Groucho Marx quip. The sorts of people who have high competency and integrity do not often choose or go far in politics. Competence and integrity are not the success factors in politics that they are in other professions. Think about it. In a nation of 320 million people, the best candidates we can find are Trump, Cruz, Hillary and Bernie? There is a reason government attracts people who thrive on corruption and influence. Reagan was an outlier; Nixon far more the norm.
It’s almost like those a-holes back in 1776 who got all hostile, even though their taxes went down, over that little thing about representation.
sound awake
I’m not sure why Cruz has been so vilified. All he has done is follow the rules that the GOP has put in place in the various states.
thats exactly whats wrong with him
he has followed the rules the gop put in place and thats what is wrong with him-he operates like they do
he doesnt care that more voters prefer trump regardless of what the rules are that the gop enacted to keep their entrenched power structure in place
hes almost as bad as kasich who is a scumbag
this is an anti gop establishment election
maybe trump wouldnt be around right now if those 9 establishment rinos in the senate didnt confirm loretta lynch and that traitor paul ryan didnt ram through that piece of shit omnibus bill
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