The Trump Campaign is almost broke, but apparently The Donald has been siphoning off roughly 20% of campaign expenses to his own businesses.
But that’s nothing. (See Below) Donald Trump actually has himself on the campaign payroll as a salaried employee!
Just imagine what he could do with the Executive Branch budget.
Donald Trump’s campaign is almost broke, and is paying an unusual amount of money to Trump-owned businesses. That’s according to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s FEC filing, details of which were released Monday night.
The report provided a number of rather shocking facts, including that his campaign raised just $3.1 million in May compared to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s $27 million.
In comparison, Mitt Romney’s campaign raised $86.5 million in May during the 2012 presidential race. And on Monday night alone, Clinton raised about $1.6 million at a celebrity-studded fundraiser in New York City.
Another eyebrow-raising tidbit: Of the $6.7 million the Trump campaign spent in May, nearly 20% went to Trump-owned businesses or family members.
Furthermore, the filing suggests that Trump himself is drawing a salary from the campaign, which would be highly unusual.
The campaign also spent $208,000 on hats.
The phrase “Crooked as a snake with appendicitis” comes to mind.

According to the Open Secrets website, Trump has contributed 72% of the total $63 million dollars raised by the campaign, so I suppose it’s not unreasonable that he and his family take a salary– since most of it is his own money.
The data is from May.
And Clinton is clean as a whistle, financially, eh?
So he loans his campaign money and gives the business to his own companies. Now these firms are not able to give him campaign donations (i.e. free stuff) but it still is reducing his out of pocket expense. His family however is able to volunteer for him anyday of the week so no salaries need be paid. But having all your campaign activity in locations where you have businesses is not exactly targeting your real audience or working with your “fellow” republican candidates. If you are not going to solicit funds then Just spend your own money directly, no loans. If he takes public financing to pay his loans back he is an absolute schnook and fraud
This kind of duplicitous behavior is why we need the vestal virgin Rodham to continue the transparency of the Hussein Obama administration.
He forgave the $50 million he had loaned the campaign.
If there is a tax advantage to structuring it that way just shows good management.
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