08 Dec 2016

Hillary Won Just 52 out of 3,141 US Counties


World Tribune:

The Democrats only win the cities, the Black Belt, the Rio Grande Valley, and some Indian reservations.

That the Democrats have become the party of coastal elites is now backed up by hard data from the Nov. 8 election.

President-elect Donald Trump won 3,084 of the 3,141 counties in the United States.

Hillary Clinton won just 52 coastal counties and five “county equivalent” cities stretching from San Diego to Seattle on the West Coast and Northern Virginia to Boston on the East Coast, including two major cities – Washington, D.C and Baltimore, Maryland – included in the five “county equivalent” cities, and three major cities – Philadelphia, New York, and Boston – which are included in the 52 counties.

Clinton received 70 percent of the 18.4 million votes cast in these 52 elite coastal counties. Votes cast in those counties accounted for only 14.4 percent of the estimated 127.7 million total votes cast in the country.

One Feedback on "Hillary Won Just 52 out of 3,141 US Counties"

Seattle Sam

Want an even scarier stat? Trump won 8% of the vote in Seattle. That makes it officially the most out-of-touch city in the US. As if this would be a surprise with stuff like this. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/seattle-city-council-advances-a-cap-on-renters-move-in-fees/


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