17 Dec 2016

Chris Maynard’s Shadowbox Feather Art



We’ve long been fans of Olympia, Washington-based artist Chris Maynard (previously) who assembles shadowboxes of cut feathers depicting the silhouettes of birds as they sing, perch, and swoop across the canvas. With a background in both biology and ecology the artist recalls working with feathers as early as the age of 12, utilizing heirloom forceps, eye surgery scissors, and magnifying glasses passed down through his family. Maynard acquires feathers for his artwork from zoos and private aviaries.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

One Feedback on "Chris Maynard’s Shadowbox Feather Art"

you fag

wtf is this i read your blog becasue i liked having a real man stand up for the right and traditionalism. but what is this art fag shit??? since when do you support jewish degeneracy on this website! im boycotting your blog until you stand up against jew culture again. in fact i think your a closet liberal trolling people. fuck you and fuck your site!!!!!


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