03 Jun 2017

“Dead Slut Squawkin”

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(title from Vanderleun) It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at Kathy Griffin complaining.

4 Feedbacks on "“Dead Slut Squawkin”"

Reltney Mcfee

Isn’t schadenfreude the experience of taking delight in another’s misfortune? It seems to me that the giggles-like-a-little-girl feeling that I get from Ms. Britain’s abject fail, and subsequent twisting in the windstorm of blowback, is something else. After all, she is the architect of her pain,not a victim of poor luck. Poor judgement, yeah. But that seemed to kinda be her schtick.

Reltney Mcfee

Griffin, not “Btirain”. HE awtowkerrekt!


The word you were looking for is covfefe.

Seattle Sam

I think you’re all not giving Ms Griffin enough credit. She’s a third-rate comic to whom nobody was paying any attention. She’s now solved that problem, and lefties who never found her funny before will think she’s heroic.


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