06 Jan 2018

Yale Obviously Blew It

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John Caldwell Calhoun, Y’ 1804, 1782-1850.

When the Salovey Administration cravenly surrendered to the snowflakes and renamed Calhoun College. After all, as (Dartmouth man) John Hinderaker notes, even hyper-progressive California is these days drawing upon John C. Calhoun’s theories of Concurrent Majorities and States’ Rights.

Who ever thought that John C. Calhoun would emerge as a key political thinker of the 21st Century? I certainly didn’t, but that is exactly what has happened.


One Feedback on "Yale Obviously Blew It"

Seattle Sam

States Rights enjoys highly selective support. California claims the right to ignore federal drug and immigration laws but thinks no state has the right to its own laws regarding marriage. Senator Calhoun would be amused.


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