Pajamas Media reports that, last Wednesday, the homies were dropping like flies all over the New Haven Green. It seems that a bad batch of synthetic pot recently arrived.
Residents watched in horror as more than 70 people collapsed near a city park in Connecticut Tuesday night into Wednesday, overdosing on what authorities believe was a tainted batch of synthetic marijuana. Vomiting and hallucinating drug users dropped like flies throughout the day as emergency crews raced to the New Haven Green to save lives.
“We have a guy laid out in the alleyway, unresponsive, eyes wide open. He’s out cold,†one bystander hollered, according to the New Haven Register. …
An emergency medical technician for the New Haven Fire Department told the Register that he’s never had such an abnormal day at work in the five years he’s been there.
“This was a particularly odd, rare occasion where (there was) call after call for man down, obviously with symptoms of some kind of overdose, and at the time of getting that patient packaged and transported to the hospital, we’d see another immediately fall down, right there,†Lt. Ernest Jones said. “At that point, we’d go help that patient, and while helping that patient, another person went down. So it became a domino effect.â€
What is striking about this is the fact that, within living human memory, Connecticut’s cities were truly extraordinary examples of ancient culture, high civilization, and prosperity. There would be found in each of them many of the wealthiest and most famous of American businesses and industries. Factory workers lived in homes that bankers in other states might envy.
Today, Connecticut cities still have government and universities, sitting there surrounded by the deserts created by the bad political policies of the former and the bad ideas of the latter. The old population descended from 17th Century Puritan founders has fled to the suburbs or out of state. Connecticut cities are populated by government-dependent blacks and Puerto Ricans.

Dan Patterson
Fuck ’em and feed ’em fish heads. Addiction is not a disease it’s a weakness and the many weak can only be supported by the few strong for a short time.
Then it’s time to support your own.
What do you want to bet that 70 out of 70 will still go out and do drugs. Honestly society would be better off if they had died. They generally bring nothing positive to society and are huge drags on a safe and honest community.
Sounds like a Darwin award 10K race.
Dick the Butcher
Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Chicago, et al are flagrant refutations of Darwinian Evolution.
Elsewhere, the social justice warriors, aka snowflakes, are shrieking about institutional racism and white privilege. More’s the tragedy: they can’t blame Trump, 63 million Trump voters, or some baker in Colorado.
Righto. Effing human flotsam – I mean liberals.
Dan Kurt
How many were affirmative action Yale students?
Dan Kurt
Yale’s not in session yet, so the fallen were probably all townies.
An interesting aside here is that blacks and liberals complain that blacks are arrested more often for marijuana use. Here we see a sort of test for how many blacks use marijuana when the users drop in the street, making the proportion of use easy to count: A Lot.
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