Wesley Pruden hears democrats singing their sad old songs.
The Democrats and the liberals were winning for so long that it never occurred to any of them that the good old days wouldn’t last forever. But the good old days didn’t, and now they’re as ill-tempered as the alligator the day the creek went dry.

Your website has become really, really slow. Last few days. So slow sometimes I just cancel the load and go somewhere else.
My wife has been monkeying with it, adding another back-up system, &c. I’ll look into it.
Thursday, 10/11, 3:00 p.m. EST: unusable. 1:16 (one minute, 16 seconds) for your page to load once the name resolution completed. Just as long to access this comment page. No problems with any other websites.
What browser do you use?
It’s working well now! Much, much better.
I’ve been using both Chrome and Safari on a Mac – operating system and browsers all latest versions. Chrome has been flakey with High Sierra, but the slow load was only your site, until last night.
You can email me to discuss offline if you like, and I’m happy to provide feedback going forward.
I spoke too soon. Now, almost 6:00 p.m. Saturday, it’s back to 1:16 from clicking the comment link to the page load.
Something’s very wrong.
Update: right now it’s really, really slow on Chrome and Safari, but
speedy on Firefox.
Mac OS X 10.13.6 (High Sierra)
Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Safari Version 12.0 (13606.2.11)
Firefox 62.0.3 (64-bit)
(I believe these are all latest versions)
I can’t explain it.
(If you want me to cut it out, stop commenting on this here, please just let me know; I don’t want to annoy.)
My wife denies that her minor changes could cause a slowdown. So far, you are the only one to complain. I think I’ll post a question asking if anybody else is having a problem.
I know, it’s weird. I tried it again just now, it seemingly NEVER loads on Safari, and takes forever on Chrome, but it’s speedy with Firefox. As I said, latest Mac OS, latest Chrome, latest Safari, latest Firefox. The browser status when it’s taking a long time is “Connecting….” It eventually connects, but ever page load to your blog takes as long.
I’d really like to know if it’s me, what it is!
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