23 Apr 2019

22 April 1519: Hernan Cortes Lands in Mexico

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Yesterday was the 500th Anniversary of the arrival of the Spanish conqueror of Mexico, the man who overthrew the Aztec Empire, bringing Christianity and European civilization to Mexico and putting an end to cannibalism and large scale human sacrifice.

It is typical of our insane and twisted times that no celebration of this hugely important anniversary has been scheduled, and that, last month, the president of Mexico sent letters to the Vatican and the King of Spain demanding apologies for Cortes’ Conquest of the Aztecs and the Conversion of Mexico to Christianity. (BBC — March 26)

The current Marxist lie is that the harmless and peaceful Aztecs were brutally conquered by avaricious and rapacious Europeans, out only for power and gold. The truth of the matter is that the Aztecs themselves were the brutal and tyrannical conquerors. They built an empire covering roughly a quarter of modern Spain, fueled by a faith in their own superiority based on a special relationship with Huitzilopochtli, the hummingbird god of war, who required frequent, and abundant human sacrifices.

The conquered and subjugated tribes living under Aztec rule provided the sacrificial victims as well as slaves. The conquistador Bernal Diaz relates what the chief of the Totonacs told the Spaniards about Aztec rule.

He related so much of the cruelties and oppression they had to suffer, and thereby sobbed and sighed so bitterly that we could not help being affected. At the time when they were subdued, they had already been greatly ill-used; Montezuma then demanded annually a great number of their sons and daughters, a portion of whom were sacrificed to the idols, and the rest were employed in his household and for tilling his grounds. His tax-gatherers took their wives and daughters without any ceremony if they were handsome, merely to satisfy their lusts. The Totonaques, whose territory consisted of upwards of thirty townships, suffered like violence.

Hernan Cortez with only 600 soldiers, 15 horsemen, and 15 cannons was able to overthrow an empire with an estimated population of 5 million precisely because large numbers of warriors from the oppressed subject tribes eagerly joined him in the fight against their Aztec rulers.

William H. Prescott, in his 1843 History of the Conquest of Mexico, observed:

a government, which does not rest on the sympathies of its subjects, cannot long abide; that human institutions, when not connected with human prosperity and progress, must fall, if not before the increasing light of civilisation, by the hand of violence; by violence from within, if not from without. And who shall lament their fall?”

Obviously, today’s Woke Marxist Social Justice Warriors will lament their fall, cover up their crimes, and vilify the liberators.

2 Feedbacks on "22 April 1519: Hernan Cortes Lands in Mexico"

Schill McGuffin

The western hemisphere brand of neo-paganism tends to glorify the pre-Columbian civilizations and their “wisdom”. A “new-agey” friend once asked me what I thought of the Aztecs, and I responded, to her visible sorrow, that I considered them the New World’s equivalent of the Nazis.

I’m not sure I can fully romanticize Cortez and the conquistadors, but clearly they couldn’t have happened to a nicer empire — Cortez is effectively the New World’s equivalent of Zhukov.


No one I know defends all that the Spanish did, but ending the Aztec Empire was clearly a good thing. The Aztecs simply came up against a stronger tribe and lost. What goes around comes around. The Sioux drove the Crow and others out of their territories and then complained when someone else drove them out. Point isn’t that it was right to drive the Sioux out, just that they were complaining about someone doing exactly what they did a hundred or so years earlier. When you live by the sword…..


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