29 Jun 2019

Democrat Primary Survivor

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2 Feedbacks on "Democrat Primary Survivor"

Seattle Sam

We could also revive The Apprentice. In this version the Dem candidates would split into teams with assigned tasks. The one that was most successful, who spent the least and made the most money would be fired.


Quite correct. Any Dem/Prog/Socialist that accomplished anything useful would end the flow of cash for that “problem”. With no cash flow, there would be nothing to steal; there would be no reason to campaign. They’d have to return to the old urban standbys of mugging, common thievery, and prostitution.

A ‘usefu” Dem/Prog/Socialist gets the Trotsky Memorial Ice Axe.

Each knows the vulnerabilities of the others, so we will not be bored with endless variations of, “Free! Free! Free!”. Canabalism at its finest.


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