07 Jan 2020

Video 1: Leftist Losers and the British Election

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3 Feedbacks on "Video 1: Leftist Losers and the British Election"

Seattle Sam

To which I would tritely add that those who can’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Ironically, Liz and Bernie are old enough to personally remember what happened to George McGovern.


How many of those elite who oppose Brexit have dual citizenships somewhere else, have homes in another country and spend a lot of their life outside of England? It is the poor schlub living in London seeing the effect of 3,000,000 muslim immigrants on their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Not to mention the millions of other immigrants who are living off the system. If you get seriously sick in England the socialized health care system will get you an appointment within 6 months and actual treatment could start as soon as two years. If you are in the elite class you fly to the Mayo clinic and walk in and get treatment within hours. If you listed everything that is wrong in British society, everything that more than 50% would agree is wrong and should be fixed; almost all of that would be fixed if they didn’t have massive and uncontrolled immigration. Don’t get me wrong, I know that diversity is our strength, wink, wink nudge, nudge.

Seattle Sam

Diversity is our strength. Wouldn’t you think that with all the academic support this slogan has that somebody by now would have produced real evidence that businesses with high levels of racial minorities outperform companies with low levels? Think of the money you could make going long on one and short on the other. If it were true.


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