25 Jan 2020

“Oh, the Humanity!”


One Feedback on "“Oh, the Humanity!”"


My fear at this moment is based on the scene in Braveheart where William Wallace is abruptly abandoned by the elite who are supposed to be supporting him. And they do this just as he appears able to succeed in freeing Scotland from English rule. But the elite sell out for the status quo and a piece of the pie. Too many in the Republican party are not patriots/conservatives or believers in the original intent of the constitution. They are there for the money and the payola not for the people.

McCain is gone but there is still Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Mitt Romney and a handful of other rinos who would abandon Trump in a heartbeat for a little political gain on the sly. To put it another way there are a lot of “Brutus” in the senate to “et tu” Trump. In fact I have no doubt that even if the Senate chooses not to find Trump guilty that never the less Susan Collins will go out and find a camera and publicly stab Trump in the back.


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