Yesterday, Yale President Peter Salovey announced nine actions “to enhance diversity, promote equity on campus, and foster an environment in which all community members feel welcome, included, and respected,” causing rational alumni, en masse, to go and throw up in the street.
If you want to read a really choice example of vacuous and pretentious academic blather, go and check out:
“Recommendations of the President’s Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging”
Dollar quote: “Yale can and must improve in how it creates a climate where all feel safe and valued.”
The mind boggles. Snowflakes don’t feel “safe and valued” at Yale, surrounded by all that opulent and luxurious architecture; their needs attended to by an immense staff of servants; with access to the tutelage of world-ranked scholars, one of the top research libraries, as well as the nation’s finest recreational facilities; their future paths to wealth, power, success, and fame stretching shining before them? What more could it possibly take?
A friend of mine used to remark that “Life after Yale is a constant struggle to live as well as you did as an undergraduate.”
Outsiders at Yale, sons of working class families, those of us of non-New England blue-blood Protestant descent, used to consider ourselves truly blessed to be permitted to attend Yale, to share in a different people’s and a different class’s ancient and illustrious tradition, and to obtain thereby potential entry into membership in the national elite.
Today’s outsiders expect not only admission. They expect to revise the identity and character of the university. They demand faculty and administrators and academic departments of their own. They want the university’s, the nation’s, and the world’s history censored and revised to flatter their own amour propre and to punish historical figures they’ve decided, on the basis of their slender knowledge, are their enemies. They expect to move in, replace the furniture, remodel the house, and change the address.
In today’s America, alas! the national establishment elite has so declined in character and intelligence that its members routinely manifest guilt and a consciousness of their own unworthiness. They are only too eager to grovel, abase themselves, and surrender to the insolent and irrational demands of a deluded radical fringe, addled and intoxicated with a pernicious ideology hostile to Civilization, America, and Yale itself. The people entrusted with custodianship of the Culture and the Canon are classic examples of C.S. Lewis’s “Men Without Chests,” who care for nothing, who believe in nothing beyond personal advancement and the sweet smell of success, and who will reliably pay homage to the latest emotional upheaval afflicting the national community of fashion. Men like Peter Salovey are incapable of conserving anything, of defending anything.
How could Salovey sense anything about Yale worth defending? He didn’t attend as an undergrad, and was flagged for “leadership” due to teaching a psychology (*cough*) class so unchallenging to absorb (read: easy A) that it became massively popular amongst the same spoiled undergrads you so aptly describe. Not to disparage the man’s intelligence (necessarily), but he wasn’t going to buck any trend and risk forfeiting his sinecure.
Fair Cases
Interesting agenda.
Seattle Sam
Yale is becoming an institution noted primarily for turning out the sort of pointy-headed people who inspired Orwell to say:
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.â€
Gerard vanderleun
One thing I remember about Yale is that is is stuck in a town that has large clots of black folks all around it. Yale is just updating its demographic reality.
Gerard vanderleun
“The racial makeup of the city was 42.6% White, 35.4% African American, 0.5% Native American, 4.6% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 12.9% from other races, and 3.9% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino residents of any race were 27.4% of the population.[67] Non-Hispanic Whites were 31.8% of the population in 2010,[68] down from 69.6% in 1970.[69” — La Wik
Gerard vanderleun
Just easing Yale into thug life with a population of young snowflakes ripe for sacrifice.
In January 2020 President Salovey charged the eighteen faculty and sta members of the President’s Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging to review current activities and initiatives and (1) o er a vision of diversity, equity, inclusion (dei), and belonging as part of the university’s climate; (2) develop high-level goals to achieve this vision; (3) outline strategies to focus resources that support dei and belonging; and (4) provide a set of initial recommended actions and activities that suggest how best to advance these strategies over time.
…I wasn’t invited.
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