22 Nov 2021

CNN: “There’s Nothing More Frightening in America Today Than an Angry White Man”


11 Feedbacks on "CNN: “There’s Nothing More Frightening in America Today Than an Angry White Man”"


I want “Fweedom” from these crazies.

Seattle Sam

Remember when mentally unbalanced people didn’t have social media to display their illnesses?

A. Squaretail

Trolls, dweebs, or maybe…just maybe…BOTH. Either way, losers in life.


First of all, this has to be a joke. Second, if it isn’t a joke, then this “Daddy” needs a serious intervention. There isn’t a three year old in the world that is gay. Three, if this were a real Daddy he would have said, “No way, son, that tank I have in the back yard will handle an AR-15 any day. Besides, the young man was only defending himself. I’m sure that if we ever met him we could sit down and have a nice visit. Now go take off that sparkly dress your mother made you wear, change into your camo and let’s go to the range.”

T. Shaw

How can we live in a nation where three convicts/child molesters/Soros mercenaries can’t kill a white boy and not get shot!

In reality, lib daddy would have told his three-year old idiot-in-training, “It’s OK! Congressman Ortega-Castro will shoot them with ICBMs.”

My money on more-dangerous is BAIL REFORM and the black, career criminal [with or without a red SUV].

It’s time to stop treating them as normal people.

Seattle Sam

I can think of something more dangerous. A man with a 50 page rap sheet let out on a $1000 bail.


I figured out in about 5 seconds the second poster is someone with a pretty sharp sense of humor.


When Trump was elected, my niece said that her 4 year old son was crying about how America was now going to become a dangerous place, where people would be killing each other in the streets, etc.
I didn’t say anything, but I wanted to tell her she was a horrible mother to raise her kids to believe such BS, and to think that a president could have such power.
She has not gotten any better, and the vaccine BS has only made things worse, with my stance on masks pushing her over the top several times.


As someone who likes his sarcasm as thin and sharp as a fine Florentine stiletto, it causes me great pain to see people fail to appreciate the humor in that second tweet. The announcement that his son is gay is just that little extra touch of the master, a clumsier wit might have led to the mistake of calling his child transgendered or gender-fluid, making a dense lump of an airy confection. Bravo!


The problem is that I know people like the creature in the Tweet. It isn’t funny. Nor is he/them and their children.


The second post is obviously sarcasm making fun of the twit in the first post. That is assuming the first post isn’t sarcasm also.


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