05 Apr 2022

More Bad News for Putin


Strategy Page:

Ukrainian forces have captured a lot of modern Russian weapons and military equipment and made these discoveries available to Western countries that are supplying Ukraine with modern weapons and economic and diplomatic pressure on Russia.

This loot includes largely intact components of the Iskander short range ballistic missiles, new EW (Electronic Warfare) equipment that had proven effective in Syria and Ukraine, and new Azart combat radios and associated equipment. At least one defective Islander missile was recovered largely intact, which allowed close inspection of the missile design and the countermeasures Russia often spoke of but never provided details of. The countermeasures were, as expected, small decoys deployed as the Iskander came within range of the targets, as well as Western ABM (anti-ballistic missile) systems like Patriot, Thaad or the naval Standard missile defense system. Now that there were undamaged examples of these decoys available, Western ABM systems can be modified to defeat them.


2 Feedbacks on "More Bad News for Putin"

bob sykes

The Russians are still winning. The Donbas republics will become independent states (or part of Russia), and Ukraine will lose its entire coastal region.

Pip McGuigin

Screw Ukraine. Screw Washington. The bastards in Mexico are our greatest enemies at the present moment. Unless DC is Fumagated of vermin of the bipedal type…. all is lost.


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