17 May 2022

The Buffalo Mass Shooter’s Manifesto

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Buffalo Shooter Peyton Gendron.

The Mainstream Media and the Blogosphere quoted the teenage Buffalo shooter’s lengthy manifesto, but they were consistently careful to refrain from making it available to the rest of us by linking it.

I was mildly curious, and I found this deliberate censorship frustrating. It seems to me that an argument could be made that nation-wide coverage of these unfortunate instances of insanely malevolent behavior ought to be avoided in order to prevent inspiring other crazies seeking attention from emulation. There can be no doubt that the publicity received by the first madman creates followers.

But if you’re going to devote massive coverage and lengthy analysis and opinion to a murder case of this kind, it should be treated objectively, and members of the public should have the same access to the facts of the killer’s thinking (and fantasies and delusions) as members of the media.

I found it fairly time consuming to locate the link(s), but I went to all the trouble, and here they are.

Link 1

Link 2

You’ll find reading all this a slog.

A pretty good summary is here.

He is obviously talented but warped and very deeply disturbed. He is perversely motivated in the direction of extreme, unpopular positions to the point of actually implementing fantasies of murderous violence. His animus against (most) blacks and Jews is clearly in a xenophobic tradition associated with the reactionary Right. However, he is also outspokenly hostile toward Capitalism and the rich. He obviously finds left-wing extremist opinions similarly attractive. Ideologically, he seems to resemble Goebbels, Streicher, and other left-wing Nazis, combining hostility toward Capitalism and Economic Freedom with pathological resentment of the Jews and Racism.

His crimes will fuel more demands for Gun Control, but looking at all this, you have to wonder how anybody this obviously crazy was never identified as dangerous and in need of help before he started shooting people.

4 Feedbacks on "The Buffalo Mass Shooter’s Manifesto"

Fusil Darne

Document for me, if you would, a single instance of a crazy person being prohibited from acquiring firearms and using them against non crazies. The laws are specifically designed not to hinder anyone but the law abiding. The Gun Control act of 1968 did nothing to calm gun crime, instead, it had the exact, opposite effect-gun crime exploded in 1969.
Prove me wrong.


Both TOR links are down. Why is this manifesto being censored so heavily?



Thanks, Pat!


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