30 May 2022

Memorial Day


All of my grandparents’ sons and one daughter, now all departed, served.

Joseph Zincavage (1907-1998) Navy
(No wartime photograph available, but he’s sitting on a Henderson Motorcycle in this one.)

William Zincavage (1914-1997) Marine Corps

Edward Zincavage (1917-2002) Marine Corps

Eleanor Zincavage Cichetti (1922-2003) Marine Corps.

One Feedback on "Memorial Day"


I can remember in the 40’s I would go to the Cemetery and watch the military ceremony which included a 21 gun salute. I can remember the older folks there with tears in their eyes and me not fully understanding why. I enlisted in 1964, seemed like a good idea then and as it turned out it was they taught me a trade that I worked at the rest of my life. I didn’t go to Viestnam but had many good friends and many more acquaintances that did. in the late 70’s I did go to the Viestnam wall and it was very tough for me. I found a few names of guys I served with and couldn’t remember so many other names. But I literally cried the entire time I was there. Not balling just tears and sometimes I couldn’t speak. Strange I remember thinking my biggest regret is I had forgotten so many names of people I would call friends. You literally meet hundreds if not thousands of fellow soldiers over 20 years and although you maybe can remember where you knew them and sometimes about when you knew them often the full name just doesn’t come to your mind easily…


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