15 May 2023

I Predict That the Grand Jury Will Dismiss the Charges

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Ex-Marine Daniel Penny is the spitting image of “The Dying Gaul,” one of the most famous statues from Hellenistic Antiquity. The Capitoline Museum has a Third Century B.C. marble copy found in the early 17th Century of a Fourth Century B.C. bronze original by Epigonus.

What could possibly be a more classic heart-warming American story than an occasion in which a dangerous psychopath with a lengthy criminal record, currently wanted for arrest, begins menacing the passengers on a New York City Subway car and is forcibly subdued by a former US Marine who happens to be on hand?

Clearly they don’t make bad guys today the way they used to, since in this case, just like in several other recent cases of low-life scumbags being forcibly restrained, what do you know? the public menace who never will be missed upped and died.

And what could possibly be more infuriating and depressing than today’s government and established media response to the Good Samaritan’s actions?

The older, mentally-normal America I grew up in would have smiled at the Marine’s heroism and shrugged dismissively at the loss of the deceased, the public menace and public nuisance with the huge criminal record, who fell through his own fault in the course of being up to no good.

Today’s crazy-out-of-its-mind Woke elite Establishment looks upon minority psychos and career criminals the way Hindus look upon their sacred cows. They are holy, untouchable beings who must be permitted to go their own way and do their own thing, law-breaking, stealing, looting, assaulting people, because they are officially-designated VICTIMS. Nothing they do, nothing they are can possibly be their own fault. It’s the rest of us, Society as a whole, that is to blame.

Jordan Neely, you see, was crazy and justifiably angry, because he was born poor. He was naturally, just like everybody else, entitled to have been born to an affluent Ivy league background family residing in Greenwich or Chevy Chase or La Jolla.

His basic injury, of course, was drastically compounded by Antebellum Slavery, pre-1960s Segregation in the South, and –of course– by the invisible, imperceptible, and nefarious universal ongoing White prejudice and discrimination that is responsible for every form and kind of inequality of achievement, life-style, and result.

So the professional racial agitators and the Left’s contemporary tricoteuses are howling for Daniel Penny’s head, and the establishment media is getting all weepy-eyed over poor, poor Jordan Neely, and clutching their pearls and intoning warnings about the dangers of Vigilantism.

Disgusting as all this is, I predict it will prove ultimately harmless.

I’ve had some personal experience with the operations of the NYC District Attorney’s Office, and I understand how the system works.

The Grand Jury System in this country is a farce. The process is completely one-sided and in the hands of the District Attorney. It is commonly observed that any DA could indict a ham sandwich if he wanted to.

The Grand Jury System also enables the DA’s Office to lose a case and escape any responsibility or blame.

Now, in the current matter under consideration, the Left and the pro race baiters want Daniel Penny charged and convicted. But… they are the noisy but small constituency. The general public, the man in the street, thinks, just like I do, that Daniel Penny is a hero who ought to get a ticker tape parade and be handed the key to city by the mayor.

The Left and the angry black mob are captive democrat constituencies. They have nowhere else to go. And the current mayoral and DA’s administrations are notably unpopular and unsuccessful. Bringing Daniel Penny to trial would unleash a tsunami of public outrage and indignation. He’s a hero now. Then he’d be a martyred hero and cause celebre. Trying Daniel Penny will either bring an acquittal (through jury nullification, which is a strong possibility) or a conviction. The first result would make Alvin Bragg’s office look incompetent. The second result would ignite a firestorm of public hostility and indignation.

There is no win for Alvin Bragg bringing Daniel Penny to trial. So, I predict, he’s going to throw the case by reading the grand jury the law permitting citizens to use deadly force in making a citizen’s arrest. If he reads the law, Penny’s charge will simply be thrown out by the grand jury, and the DA’s Office can say, “Oh well, too bad, we tried! What a shame!”

The same thing happened to me back in the 1980s. I made a citizen’s arrest and shot a fleeing criminal (in the leg). I was charged with First Degree Armed Assault (and firearms law violations). It became clear that my case would provoke much publicity and, in the end, the DA’s Office read the law to the grand jury and threw the case.

(The whole story is here.)

My incident cost me some real money, but Daniel Penny’s attorneys have set up a Give, Send Go campaign for his legal expenses, which (as I type this) has raised: USD $ 2,206,600.

Alvin Bragg just has to look at that and the message of whose side the public is on comes through very loud and clear.

Meanwhile, all the best to Daniel Penny. Good going, Marine!

4 Feedbacks on "I Predict That the Grand Jury Will Dismiss the Charges"


Then there is the reality that Neely probably died of “agitated delirium” because the EMS crew didn’t respond with enough Thorazine, or some such, or the “Party” didn’t do enough to keep the new and horrible drugs off the street. Someone will have to be sacrificed. It will be a “fun” show, but I wouldn’t want to be there. Some one wii have to pay, and it will not be those in the fancy offices. “They” would have rather dosed Neely with medications until he was “normal” before quietly releasing him to get high and break the face of some elderly no body. Neely was doomed and they will have to find some White no body to blame. The Marine may have a lot of support, so they will have to find some doc or subway driver to blame. A family that cared might have helped, but anyone will get the blame off the politicians. Neely was going to be an axpensive burden. Someone has to pay.

Seattle Sam

I’m sure that is exactly what Bragg is hoping for. He won’t actually have to lose this ridiculous show trial in court, and he gets to whine about how justice was not served and how when he’s governor he will make sure this doesn’t happen again. And, by the way, send me money for my campaign.

Seattle Sam

Victimhood is a Get Out of Jail Free card. It doesn’t even expire after 40 arrests.

A Small World Cup

Referring to the individual as a “psychopath,” “low-life,” and “public menace” who “never will be missed” is dehumanizing and insensitive. Regardless of their actions, every person deserves basic human dignity and respect.


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