04 Dec 2023

Unhappy Zoomer Has Encountered Adult Life

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9 Feedbacks on "Unhappy Zoomer Has Encountered Adult Life"

Karen Myers

She could probably reclaim at least half an hour if she were less committed to her hair and makeup grooming.

Cry me a river…

Brother John


Still think all that womens’ lib was all it’s cracked up to be?

Seattle Sam

Is there a Narcissists Anonymous? It could be even more useful than AA.

Univ of Saigon 68

I’m . . . like . . . so this is not . . . like . . . cool. Like.

M. Murcek

I’m supposed to, like care. I like so don’t care…

Fusil Darne

I’m having a tough time remembering that far back, but, I had to have been that young once. I really hope I wasn’t that big an asshole. I mean, I’m sure I had moments of asshole, but, that is just off the asshole chart.

Seattle Sam

All (okay, most) of us have done some cringe-worthy things. However, it’s only been in recent years that people could use social media to display to the world their Dumbth (if you know the origin of that word, you’re as old as I am).

Papa's Pizzeria

great that you shared this, it looks interesting too


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