The relevant portion of Lehighton.
From a Shenandoah friend:
Back when I was delivering UPS parcels (they don’t call them packages) in Lehighton, every hunter around was trying to bag a huge 12 point buck, who was regularly spotted eating in the fields on the mountain behind Gnaden Huetten Hospital, which is at the end of 12th St. It was the daily talk at many of my stops.. ‘did anyone bag the big buck’. Day after day, the answer was.. Nope.
I was delivering a home near the end of 11th St next to the hospital one afternoon. You may know that the Dutchies, for the most part, do not use the front parlor door so most deliveries were made in the back of the house. As I rounded into the back yard, the lady of the house was hanging some laundry out & quickly silenced me with her finger to her mouth. She pointed to the end of the yard, where the 12 pt buck was sleeping under her hydrangea bush. She said he is there before dawn every day & leaves after dark every nite. She swore me to confidentiality. That was one very smart deer.”

Someone Else
I worked at this place that had over 400 acres on a hillside. Most of it was wild space. In the middle of all this space was our building. And we had a ton of deer hanging out by the building. When the does had their babies, they’d have them in the courtyard. We saw so many new born deer over the years. Why was the building so popular? Above the building, up the mountain, were at least two mountain lions. Below the building, in the woods, were coyotes. The deer decided the humans at the building were their safest bet
Someone Else
We built an addition to the building at some point. The deer were ecstatic: While waiting to start work, the construction workers would feed them apples and carrots. The construction trailers offered great shaded areas underneath then for the doors to hang out with their babies and sleep during the day. One evening, I counted over 40 deer just hanging around in general. That is a LOT. Most of them were females and young deer. Not sure where the older bucks hung out, but not with the women and children? Lol!
You would see them during rutting season — the females still stayed near the building, so the males chased then around it. I usually got to work around dawn, so I saw some things. I had two deer run right past me.
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