27 Oct 2024

Private Volunteers vs. Bureaucracy

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Bayou State of Mind on Facebook yesterday:

North Carolina officials initially estimated the road to Big Chimney would take several months to almost a year to complete. Nevertheless, a team of West Virginia coal miners accomplished the task in remarkably less time – under a week. Their commitment and proficiency deserve significant recognition and thanks. Importantly, they voluntarily undertook this project.

Commenter Reid Morgan adds:

Road is Bat Cave to Chimney Rock, took them 2 days. NC DOT estimated months. Awesome for sure!

-a paved road would be great for sure. What the people need now is ability to get in and out. This is a great accomplishment for the community for sure, but of course heavy rains would be a concern. Speaking with a large quarry operator this week, they’re definitely getting the needed materials out fixing the roads in the mountains as quickly as possible. (Around as much in one month as one year for one smaller quarry in the mountains).


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